5.12.19: New article on representation of chill-reaction for sounds: Klepzig K., Horn U. , König J., Holtz K., Wendt J. , Hamm A.O., Lotze M. (2019) Brain imaging of chill reactions to pleasant and unpleasant sounds, Behavioural Brain Research, in press.
Link: www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0166432819306527?dgcid=author

24.10.19: New longitudinal study on the associations of trait-anxiety scores and insula activity durch occlusal movements in craniomandibular dysorder: Dammann J., Klepzig K., Schenkenberger E., Kordass B., Lotze M. (2019) Association of decrease in anterior insula fMRI activation with changes in trait anxiety in patients with craniomandibular disorder (CMD), Behavioral Brain Research, in press.
link to article: authors.elsevier.com/a/1aDYCbrwf4l4t

18.10.19: How can an artificial intelligence system support us to write a creative text? Can advanced AI-algorithms do it alone? What can we learn from human brain processing specific for creative writing and especially from those who are professional writers? John Seabrook provides a great overview on that topic in the current issue of "The New Yorker": www.newyorker.com/magazine/2019/10/14/can-a-machine-learn-to-write-for-the-new-yorker

25.8.19: New Article on pain therapy and neurophysiologic correlates of pain relief in Clinical Oral Investigations:
"Effects of centric mandibular splint therapy on orofacial pain and cerebral activation patterns – a pilot study."

15.7.19: Special issue in Frontiers Neurology/Stroke; Editorial: Lotze M., Lindenberg P. (2019) Promoting manual dexterity recovery after stroke – understanding recovery mechanisms and therapeutic interventions.

11.7.19; 16.15 Uhr: Psychological Colloquium, Universität Oldenburg:
Functional representation of long-term motor training in healthy individuals and after cerebral stroke (M. Lotze).

26.6.19: Laughter is in the air: Involvement of key nodes of the emotional motor system in the anticipation of tickling.
Now accepted for SCAN (Social Cognitive and Affective Neuroscience). Wattendorf et al.; Fribourg and Greifswald.

OHBM 2019; Rome: 9-13.6.19: 2 Poster from our group: "Neural correlates of deficient safety learning in individuals with low resting heart rate variability" (J. Wendt et al.) and "That´s what counts - lager amygdala-hippocampus formation associates with higher income" (M. Lotze et al.)

04.03.19: Aarhus, Dänemark: M. Lotze. Brain imaging studies on Brain imaging of sensorimotor integration in musicians and chill responses to music.

16.02.19: New publication on fMRI of S1 and TMS of M1 in patients with CRPS from Pfannmöller J., Strauss S., Langner I., Usichenko T., Lotze M. (2019) Unilateral Altered Correlations in the Sensorimotor Cortex of Upper Limb CRPS I Patients in Restaurative Neurologie and Neuroscience, in press.

14.02.19: New publication on VBM of the brain and quality of life by Hahm S., Lotze M., Domin M., Schmidt S. (2019) The association of health-related quality of life and cerebral gray matter volume in the context of aging: A voxel-based morphometry study with a general population sample. NeuroImage, in press.

11.02.19: New Publication on somatotopic-functional parcellation of interhemispheric callosal primary motor fibres in "Brain Structure and Function" by Domin M. and Lotze M.: Parcellation of Motor Cortex associated Regions in the Human Corpus Callosum on the basis of Human Connectome Project data.

29.01.19: New Review on Plasticity in Neuroscience and Biobehavioral Reviews: Cerebral Plasticity as the Basis of Recovery following Brain Damage von Lotze M., Ladda A.M., Stephan K.M.


New article 28.01.19: Kohler M., Strauss S., Horn U., Langner I., Usichenko T., Neumann N., Lotze M. (2019) Differences in neuronal representation of mental rotation in CRPS patients and healthy controls. The Journal of Pain, in press.
