16.12.21: New article: Saulin, A., Horn, U., Lotze, M., Kaiser, J., Hein, G. (2021) The neural computation of human prosocial choices in complex motivational states in Neuroimage.
Link to the article: doi.org/10.1016/j.neuroimage.2021.118827

10.12.21: DGNR & European Congress of NeuroRehabilitation 2021. 2 symposia and 4 talks from our group from the following topics "Damage of the insula following stroke and emotional recognition impairment"
and "Graded Motor Imagery treatment in CRPS" (K. Klepzig, S. Strauss, M. Lotze).

31.08.2021: New Article in Frontiers in Neurology: Domin M.*, Strauss S.*, McAuley J.H., Lotze M. (2021) Complex regional pain syndrome: thalamic GMV atrophy and associations of lower GMV with clinical and sensorimotor performance data. *equal contribution

12.08.2021: New Article in Brain Communications on our GMI-CRPS biomarker study: Strauss S., Barby S., Härtner J., Pfannmöller J., Neumann N., Moseley G.L., Lotze M. (2021) Graded motor imagery modifies movement pain, cortical excitability and sensorimotor function in CRPS.

18.5.2021: New Article in "Child Development" using VBM longitudinally during adolescence: Raufelder D*, Neumann N*, Domin M, Lorenz RC, Gleich T, Golde S, Romund L, Beck A, Hoferichter F (in press). Do belonging and social exclusion at school influence structural brain development during adolescence? (*shared first authorship)
[img:566]Social exclusion during, for the german school system 9th and 10th school class results in reduced maturation in the left anterior insula.

In a project with mit Prof. Taras Usichenko we use transauricular vagustimulation during pain provocation with heat on the forearm during fMRI to understand the underlaying mechanisms of pain reduction with TVNS

21.02.21: New publication in NeuroImage: Haertner J.*, Strauss S.*, Pfannmoeller J.*, Lotze M.*, *equal contribution (2021) Tactile acuity of fingertips and hand representation size in Area 3b of the primary somatosensory cortex. Neuroimage, in press.
free access link: doi.org/10.1016/j.neuroimage.2021.117912
Representation of the fingertips in the left primarily somatosensory cortex (area 3b) using 3T MRI with blue: little finger and red: thumb (each point a participant.
Right: Distances between the two fingers on the cortex surface.

9.02.21: New publication in Brain and Cognition entitled "Using motor imagery practice for improving motor performance – a review" from A.M. Ladda, F. Lebon und M. Lotze
50days free access link: authors.elsevier.com/a/1cfD8-HGGhT91

25.01.21: New Article on the impact of chronic temporomandibular pain on the gray matter of the brain: Domin M.*, Grimm N.*, Klepzig K., Schmidt C.O., Kordass B., Lotze M. (2021) Grey matter brain alterations in temporomandibular disorder tested in a population cohort and three clinical samples , Journal of Pain, in press.

11.1.21: New article about recovered upper limb function in the chronic stage following stroke and corticopsinal and parietofrontal integrity (TMS, DTI) from Brenton Hordacre from the University of South Australia, Adelaide: Hordacre B., Lotze M., Jenkinson M., Lazari A., Barras C.D., Boyd L., Hillier S. Fronto-parietal involvement in chronic stroke motor performance when corticospinal tract integrity is compromised accepted by Neuroimage Clinical. doi.org/10.1016/j.nicl.2021.102558