21.12.22: Testing VIDA BOLD Multiband 70 volumes; 2*2*2mm resolution for the standard fist clenching task:
red: right hand; blue: left hand.

2.12.2022 New publication for CRPS: Thoma P, Drämel N., Grothe M., Lotze M., Fleischmann R., Strauss S (2022) Impaired pain processing on a brainstem level as potential electrophysiological biomarker in patients with complex regional pain syndrome. in press in Molecular Neurobiology.

22.11.2022: New 3T MRTs: Skyra and Vida
(Photo by R. White)

28.09.2022: Our study was selected as Cover Art in "The Journal of Pain"

When laughter arrests speech: fMRI-based evidence; by Westermann, 3 members of our team and Wattendorf; published on 23.9.22 in Phil. Trans. R. Soc. B; link for open access:

20.9.22: New article: Grothe M., Jochem K., Strauss S., Kirsch M., Hoffeld K., Penner I-K., Nagels G., Klepzig K., Domin* M., Lotze* M. (2022) Performance in information processing speed is associated with superior parietal tract integrity in multiple sclerosis. Frontiers Neurology, in press.

Association of parietal integrity (SLF mask see glass brain left) and SDMT (cognitive velocity; plot right) in a group of Multiple Sclerosis patients

19.9.22: New article: Sometimes I feel the fear of uncertainty: How intolerance of uncertainty and trait anxiety impact fear acquisition, extinction and the return of fear.
Share-link valid for 50days: authors.elsevier.com/c/1fn8XcAwkg67a

25.8.22: New contribution for "Healthcare": Lotze M., Domin M., Langner S., Platz T. (2022) Functional MRI in radiology – a personal review. Healthcare, in press.

27.6.2022: New article in "Psychology of Music" entitled: "Written in the Face? Facial Expressions during Pleasant and Unpleasant Chills" by Klepzig K., Stender K., Lotze M., Hamm, A.

Left: Intensity of chills evoked by sound/drums was larger than intensity of chills during music presentation. Middle: sketch illustrating localisation of zygomaticus electrodes. Right: Zygomatic EMG activity was more increased during sounds/drums when chills were reported compared to absent chills.

26.6.2022: New article in NeuropImage Clinical: Swallowing function in the chronic stage following stroke is associated with white matter integrity of the callosal tract between the interhemispheric S1 swallowing representation areas by Domin M., Mihai G.P., Platz T., Lotze M.
article download link: doi.org/10.1016/j.nicl.2022.103093

Left: Figure depicting the swallowing representation masks derived from the DTI of the Brainnetome Atlas (precentral yellow; postcentral: blue) and the DTI of healthy participants (precentral: pink; postcentral: green) from our collective. Both masks show considerable overlay. Right: Patients with dysphagia; association of fractional anisotropy and recovered swallowing performance for both A: postcentral and B: precentral gyrus.

13.06.2022: Contribution for the OHBM in Glasgow of our team:
"White matter integrity of right anterior insula tract is associated with disgust recognition following stroke" by Klepzig et al.

"Processing speed and white matter damage in multiple sclerosis" by Grothe et al.

26.04.2022: New Review in "The Journal of Pain" about 20 years of Graded Motor Imagery Therapy in CRPS: Moseley G.L., Lotze M. (2022) Clinical and neurophysiological effects of progressive movement imagery training for pathological pain, in press.

13.04.2022: New article about tickling and speech arrest in Philosophical Transactions Biological Sciences: Westermann B., Lotze M., Varra L., Versteeg N., Domin M., Nicolet L., Obrist M., Klepzig K., Marbot L., Lämmler L., Fiedler K., Wattendorf E. (2022) When laughter arrests speech: fMRI-based evidence.

7.2.22: New Contribution on fMRI in borderline syndrome: in Frontiers Human Neuroscience, section: Cognitive Neuroscience; Bernheim D, Buchheim A , Domin M, Mentel R, Lotze M. (2022) Neural correlates of attachment representation in patients with Borderline Personality Disorder using a personalized fMRI task.

During observation of monadic pictures with personalized sentences BPD patients showed
increased fMRI-activation in the anterior medial cingulate cortex (aMCC) and thalamus.

3.1.22: New Contribution in epidemiologic imaging: Hosten et al., contributers from our group: Domin M., Lotze M. (2022); Ship-MR and Radiology: 12 Years of Whole-body Magnetic Resonance Imaging in a Single Center. Healthcare 10 (1), 33.